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The Rancher and The Bad Girl Page 8

  Mae had returned. "What's going on here? Forest—Forest, what in heaven's name—"

  Olivia smirked triumphantly. The cowboy was wiping his face with his hand. Her smirk disappeared and her eyes widened when she saw the fury in those murky green eyes.

  "Now, Forest, don't you do anything crazy!" Mae pleaded. "You hear?"

  "Not going to do nothin' crazy. This young lady wants a ride to the Larson ranch. That's just what she's going to get." Forrest grabbed her firmly by an arm. "Let's go."

  "No. No, not with you!" Protesting, Olivia dragged her feet in hopes it would slow him down. Her efforts were in vain, because he yanked her along as breezily as if she was as light as a feather, and all in full view of the cowboys and saloon hall girls who not only watched on, but who followed them out of the saloon and onto the street. Mae was at the head of the pack, fretting.

  "Forest Parrish, what about her bag—"

  "You can send that along later. I'm just promising to transport this little hellcat."

  That big, black horse? That giant belonged to him? How many hands tall did that animal stand? She shouldn't have been so surprised, seeing that the horse's master was a fairly tall and muscular man. Olivia dug in her heels, glancing behind her at the crowd of onlookers that seemed to be growing. Turning back to the front, she watched this man, whose name was apparently Forest Parrish, free the horse's reins from the post.

  "I suppose you expect an apology?" she sassed. "Well, you're not getting one. You deserved that, you—you brute!"

  Forest grunted but smirked. "I probably did. And you've got this coming to you…"

  Taking her waist in both his hands, he hoisted her up and over the horse, laying her on her belly with her legs dangling over one side and her head and arms over the other. Hearing her insolent shrieks, his smirk widened to a full smile as he quickly climbed into the saddle. As soon as he was seated, he flipped her skirts over her waist, revealing her lacy white drawers. If there was any question as to his intentions, they were now crystal clear to everyone present, including the little minx turned over his stallion's back. While the cowboys and ladies on the line hooted and hollered with glee, Mae was perfectly livid.

  "Forest, no! Don't you dare spank Miss Olivia Cranford!" she hollered.

  The cattle detective was about to respond when the frantic woman draped over his horse began wildly kicking her legs. The pretty brat was scared but she was also mad as a hornet, cursing a blue streak. He tossed his arm high in the air and landed his big, hard hand down on her rounded, silk-covered cheeks. Her cry made her sound a lot less uppity than she'd been only moments earlier.

  "That's one! Stop your infernal kicking, woman. Don't you hurt my horse now," he warned. "You're in enough trouble as it is, Miss Olivia Cranford! Besides, you keep moving the way you are, you might fall off and get seriously hurt."

  Steering the horse away from the post, he threw his arm high again, giving her tender behind an equally loud, even more stinging smack.

  "That's two! Let's see how many spanks it takes to get to the Larson ranch." Forrest glanced over his shoulder. "I'd be honest about the results. Anyone care to take bets?"

  "No! Stop, you monster!" Olivia wailed.

  "That's a good idea," one of the cowboys was saying, thrusting his hand into his pants' pocket. "What do you say, Otis?"

  "How far is it to Reeve Larson's place?"

  "Got to be worth at least fifty swats," the first replied.

  Fifty? Had someone said fifty? What would wear out first—his hand or her rump? Without warning, Forest rained down a third swat that heated her already warmed bottom and made her howl in pain. A fourth and a fifth followed, with her belly bouncing against the horse's back and a blaze being lit in her posterior. Those drawers surely didn't offer much protection from the onslaught of his big hand. And it was no fun staring down at the ground as they trotted along, to boot.

  This wasn't exactly the way she'd dreamed of arriving in Garner Falls—being spanked all the way to her sister and brother-in-law's ranch, and on the back of a horse, no less!

  * * * * *

  "That's forty-six. And we've got a few minutes more until we reach your sister's home, but I think you've had enough, kitten."

  That last word must have been drowned out by the fuss Olivia had been making, alternating between yelping and crying like a contrite child. Forest resisted the urge to give her bottom a few soothing rubs, knowing she needed to feel that sting for a while. It was supposed to be a spanking that would teach the schoolmarm a lesson. That didn't stop his body from reacting to the arousal that came from staring at a woman's shapely backside all the way from the saloon to the ranch.

  And to think, all he'd really been looking for, at first, was the chance to take her upstairs to one of Mae's rooms for a little fun. The kind of naughty, sensual fun he hadn't had in a long time, because there'd been no woman in his life in a long time. Instead, he'd ended up blistering her bottom but good.

  How in the heck had that happened? One thing had led to the other. Now he sighed, his soft side having been touched. Yes, contrary to what most people believed about him, Forest Parrish—cattle rustler detective, hired gun, or whatever people wanted to call him—had a gentle side. He heard that pretty little woman crying pitifully and he had to fight off the urge to pull her off the horse and into his arms to comfort her.

  "You—you scoundrel! You barbarian!" Big talk from a little lady who hiccupped and groaned as she drew back her hand to rub what part of her behind she could reach.

  "Honey, I've been called a lot worse than that." His tone was nonchalant, folksy.

  She struggled to stare at him, but it was more like a wounded pout. "I hate you!" Her voice, something between a whimper and a shout, quivered.

  "Sorry to hear that, darlin'. I think you're pretty adorable." After a pause, he said, "And I love the name Olivia. Olivia Cranford. I won't forget that."

  "Oh, believe me, you won't forget my name. You will rue the day you first heard it, Forest Parrish!"

  "Hmmm. I'm scared, darlin'." Grinning, he broke the news to her. "You know, I don't know how you're going to take this, but your brother-in-law hired me."

  "Hired you? What—what for?"

  "I catch cattle rustlers. Course, I'm not sure of my working status now that I've… spanked Mrs. Larson's beautiful sister. Guess I won't have the job. And I sure won't be staying here."

  "Staying here? You're staying here, too?"

  "We're here." He watched the door to the house open as he slid off the horse, and a woman who looked a lot like Olivia stepped out onto the porch.

  Carefully, taking her by her waist, he pulled her off his horse and set her on her feet. Her skirts cascaded back down, once more covering her behind.

  Olivia, red-faced and fuming, faced him. She threw her hand in the air and aimed it at his face, only for him to catch it by the wrist.

  "That's not a good idea, darlin', unless you want me to take a switch to your bottom and you're sore enough already." Yet he didn't feel like spanking her anymore. On a whim, on sheer impulse and the fire lit inside him, Forest yanked her against himself, circled her waist with one arm, and claimed a kiss from her mouth. It wasn't a neat or gentlemanly gesture, it was purely animal and driven by desire. He barely heard her sister gasping a few feet away from them.

  When he finished the kiss, which left her feeling slightly softer in his arms, he saw that Reeve Larson had followed his wife out of the house. Forest sighed and dropped his arm from around Olivia. Uneasy on her feet, probably because she'd been riding a horse in a most unconventional manner, she stumbled over to her sister and fell into her arms. His gaze met Reeve's. Understandably, the rancher looked confused. When no one spoke, Forest finally broke the ice.

  "There's Mrs. Larson's sister. Her luggage should be along shortly," he said before getting back onto his horse and riding away, leaving Olivia to give whatever explanation she wished.

  Chapter Seven

  "I'm telli
ng you, Reeve won't come in. He's a gentleman. He'll respect your privacy, especially with that door closed," Melanie assured her sister and plopped down on the small bench in front of the bed. "Why are you so afraid he'll come in?"

  "Well, I'm not afraid, I'm just…."

  Melanie's eyes grew larger. Her sister had stepped in front of the vanity mirror and had pulled up her skirts. Olivia hissed lightly when she pulled down her bloomers, revealing an angry red bottom that she had to bend at the waist and glance back into the mirror to see.

  "Olivia!" Melanie caught herself in time and lowered her voice to a whisper. "Did that man—did he—"

  "Yep. He sure did." Olivia straightened up, gingerly pulled up her pants, and giggled as she rubbed her bottom. "I poured a drink over his head. Guess I was a bad girl and… I got spanked. All the way here. On his horse."

  "He spanked you… on his horse?" Her younger sister shook her head and folded her arms across her chest. "Oh, my stars—whatever you do, don't give Reeve any ideas. I just get spanked the good, old-fashioned way. He puts me over his knee!"

  "You get spanked, too?"

  "Sometimes. But he's my husband. Forest Parrish just met you. You sure know how to make an entrance."

  With her eyes dancing, Olivia licked her lips. "He called me 'kitten.'"

  "That sure was some eventful ride here from Mae's." Melanie grew serious. "Now give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell Reeve about this."

  "Because I was no angel, either. I guess I had it coming."

  "Did anyone see him spanking you?"

  "Not too many people. Just all the whores and cowboys in that saloon. Oh—and Mae. She tried to defend me."

  "Then I'm telling Reeve what happened. Because he knows we're up here talking about it, and I don't want him to hear it from someone else."

  "Oh, Melanie, do you have to? Reeve will be furious and—well, you know how men are. You don't want those two getting into a brawl, do you? What if Forest kills him?"

  Melanie frowned. "Maybe the one who should be worried about getting killed is Forest! But anyway, I keep enough from that man. I'm not withholding this from him, too."

  "What's the matter, little sister? Afraid Mae will tell him his cattle detective spanked your sister before he hears it from you?"

  "Yes. That's exactly what I'm afraid might happen. And I'm not betraying Reeve's trust just because you want to protect that big, bad wolf, Forest."

  "I am not defending him!" Olivia stamped her foot. She might have been the older sister, but as Melanie recalled, she was also the one more prone to throwing tantrums, ever since they were little children.

  "Well, I am. I'm sorry to say that age hasn't changed you at all, Olivia Cranford. You still behave like a spoiled child. And unfortunately for you, Mr. Parrish knows how to deal with a naughty little girl." She regretted her words the moment she said them. Her sister's stubborn manner faded into a hurt expression.

  "I suppose this isn't a good time to tell you that this is not a... a visit," Olivia stammered.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean, I can't go back to that life, Melanie. Please, don't make me, little sister. I never want to go back there."

  "Make you go back? How could you even think I would do that to you?" She embraced Olivia. "I'm thrilled to hear that you're staying. You'll love it in this place! Oh..." She held her at arm's length, smiling with excitement. "Oh, my. You'll need a husband."

  "I know." With her lips curving into a saucy grin, Olivia asked, "Know any handsome ranchers who also happen to be single?"

  "Does he have to be a rancher? What's wrong with that cattle rustler detective?"

  Olivia blinked hard and laughed. "You mean Forest? Are you crazy? I'm not even attracted to that savage in a cowboy hat."

  "Oh, I don't know. You looked pretty attracted to me... while he was kissing you."

  "I only let him kiss me because he caught me by surprise." Her sister sulked. "And besides, I was traumatized by that experience of being held captive on a horse."

  "Melanie!" The call floated up a mixture of curiosity and frustration.

  "Oh, all right!" Melanie conceded, laughing. "Let me see what Reeve wants. You get settled in your room. Supper will be a while, so you might want to take a nap after your long trip…"

  Surprise, darling! Remember when I said my sister was coming for a little visit? Well, now she's here to stay. Aren't you pleased?

  And what reason would she give for her sister's decision? She couldn't tell him the truth. She couldn't admit Olivia was tired of living the life of a prostitute.

  Reeve was at the bottom of the stairs. He began the conversation quietly.

  "Parrish came back to explain what happened," he reported. "He says things got out of hand, and he started it, that he mistook your sister for one of Mae's girls. One thing led to another and he ended up tossing her over his horse and tanning her hide."

  Melanie thought quickly. "Yes, that's the story I got from Olivia, too."

  Reeve nodded. "Look, I don't know how you do things back east, darlin', but out here you don't behave like a brat and disrespect a man by pouring a bottle over his head. Especially a man you don't know. I would've blistered your bottom for that, too."

  Melanie nodded, but inwardly she bristled. Cowboys! She might have guessed Reeve would agree with the man for spanking her.

  At least the truth was out. She decided that it was as good a time as any to deliver the news. "Remember I told you my sister was here for a visit? Well, apparently, she wants to stay here."

  "She wants to stay?"

  "And marry a rancher. Can't say she's not a woman with a plan," she said, trying to sound lighthearted. She licked her lips. "Please let her stay, Reeve. Please don't make her leave."

  He looked hurt, growling, "Woman, you know me better than to think I would throw your kin out on the street."

  "I do know you better. I know you're a good man." She touched his arm. "But I just wanted to make sure it was all right with you."

  "You know it would be. And I have to ask you a question... will you have a problem with Forest Parrish staying here with us?"

  The question shocked her. "He's—you're keeping him on?"

  "I'm afraid I have to, Mel, honey. I need him to do his job. And I need to keep this ranch safe for you... and now your sister, too. But knowing he spanked her, and right in front of everyone in Garner Falls, I'll understand if you don't want him here. Your sister—well, she had that comeuppance coming to her. She will have to abide by your wishes if you choose to say he can stay. The decision is yours, not hers."

  Melanie hugged him. "Oh, darling, if you say we need him to protect the ranch, then whatever you say, I'll abide with."

  By his manner, she could tell Reeve was pleased, which in turn made her happy, too. "Are you sure, angel?"

  "Very sure. Now... he won't hurt her, will he?"

  "If I thought he posed a danger to either of you, I wouldn't even consider letting him stay here," he assured her. "Of course, I can't promise you he won't take her over his knee if she misbehaves again. I think you should warn her about that."

  "I'll do that. I don't think Olivia wants a repeat of this afternoon any time soon. Forest is like you, he spanks hard."

  He looked irked. "How would you know that?"

  "I saw his handy work upstairs. Her bottom's so red, mine hurt just looking at it." Men! She thought again, chagrined when he burst out laughing. Of course, he would find that humorous.

  "You know, it might be very good for Garner Falls that she's staying," Reeve said then.

  "Why is that?"

  "Well, you know... her being a teacher and all. We could use a schoolteacher once the school is built."

  "Oh. Oh, yes, that's true. I didn't even think of that, but it will be wonderful."

  He was looking at her strangely, as if trying to decipher why she hadn't caught on to what he was saying immediately. Melanie kissed her husband and turned to walk towards the kitchen, kno
wing she had to be about the business of making dinner.

  Lying had come easily to her when she had worked for Bartholomew Brooks. Now, maintaining a lie just to keep a secret from Reeve caused her both grief and pain.

  And there was that ever present fear that the truth, always dwelling right beneath the surface, would come back to haunt her, and shatter whatever love Reeve was beginning to have for her.

  * * * * *

  The ranch hands had their quarters, other than on the nights they weren't renting a girl and a room at Mae's. Melanie had already warned Olivia that she would be seeing Forest again at the table for meals if not upstairs in the ranch home.

  Whatever fireworks she'd feared were extinguished, at least in front of others, at that first supper together. The reception the cattle rustler detective received from the woman he'd raucously escorted from town was chilly, with barely a work spoken between them during the meal.

  Reeve had been fine with that. In fact, he was more than fine. The incident between those two, he assumed, would blow over in time. Olivia would be looking for a lonely rancher or sheepherder to charm into marriage, and Forest Parrish would get his job done and then ride into the next town, like the gypsy in spurs he appeared to be.

  That was all well and good for the cowboy, who hadn't been spanked and embarrassed in front of half the town. It took some doing, but within that following week, Melanie finally persuaded her sister to attend a meeting held at the church by a handful of the town's womenfolk. That meeting took place on a hot and dusty summer afternoon, and in a roundabout way involved Melanie Larson.

  Olivia, to her misfortune, was involved more directly. Much more directly.

  "I don't want to go in there, I don't want to go in there…" Olivia's whine took on the somber tone of a chant. "And you can't make me!"

  "Yes, I can make you, and that's what I'm doing right now." In no mood for one of her sister's tantrums, Melanie stopped the horse close to the boardwalk and lighted from the wagon first.

  "Can't we just tell them I'm done with teaching? No husband is going to want me teaching when I need to be home, caring for him, the house, and our future children," Olivia said.